What I understand is that people when they're competing, and they win, they become more aggressive because they start to think that they are the best because they won a match, and they start acting aggressively to the people who lost in this match. And I think that why people who always win a match and this they don't they start to hit the person who won the match because they don't accept that they loose.
This is a serious mental and emotional problems because the people it can be become aggressive and they can kill people just because they have lost a match. And now that I think, movies who talks about competition were right, people who win a match, start to became more aggressive and arrogant.
I like this article, because, actually is very interesting of how the people react when they win a competition and how they react when they loose a competition. And how the brain can react arrogantly and aggressively. This is a good lesson to the people that if they don't want to be primitive and change your attitude, don't compete, even if it's good or you have to.
This is a Health and Social Education Area because they are talking about the people reaction when they win a match, why and how can this happen.
I find this info in http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/02/120229104746.htm