miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

Madagascar Dinosaur Bone Is Most Massive Osteoderm Ever Found

ScienceDaily (Nov. 29, 2011) — What more can we learn about long-necked dinosaurs that we don't already know? A Macalester professor and her colleagues have found that Madagascar dinosaurs carried giant, hollow bones in their skin that may have helped them survive the harsh environments they inhabited. This discovery has shed new light on the anatomy and function of these bones in the biggest animals to ever walk on land.

Biology/Geology Prof. Kristi Curry Rogers is the 

lead author of a paper in Nature 

Communications about bizarre, gigantic bones that grow in the skin of Rapetosaurus, a species 
of huge plant-eating dinosaur from the island country located in the Indian Ocean off the 
southeastern coast of Africa.
"This is the biggest osteoderm ever found for any backboned-animal," said Curry Rogers, "The 
fact that it's hollow debunks all sorts of ideas about how these bones functioned in long-necked 

What I have understood is that new species of dinosaur is discovered by a teacher named 

Macalester and his colleagues in Madagascar. Ruin or artefact was only the head but 

apparently for the teacher is sufficient evidence to know that the dinosaur was huge. This 

makes changing the history of dinosaurs because many people thought that there was no more 

razes of dinosaurs, but in this century, showed that they were wrong, there are still new fossils 

that man has not come to find out.

Why I like this article?

For this article, shows people that not all dinosaurs have been discovered. And always, in the 

fate of the earth, we will discover unique dinosaur that neither the human imagination cannot 

imagine, as in the case of fossil dinosaur discovered in China that had only one finger, or the 

study of the tyrannosaurus was not a hunter and, as this case, arapetosaurio and the world's 

largest dinosaur, for now.

What connection have my life with this article?

I, since childhood, I was interested in dinosaurs and also want to be an archaeologist and I 

liked all types of excavations, from Fossil, to the remains of civilizations.

What Area  of Interactions is being used to view this article?

Environment: Because, it is talking about a fossil dinosaurs and dinosaurs is related to life science and environment means All living and non living things living in the Earth.

lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

Aggressive Piranhas Bark to Say Buzz Off

ScienceDaily (Oct. 13, 2011) — Thanks to Hollywood, piranhas have a bad reputation and it would be a brave scientist that chose to plunge their hand into a tank of them. But that didn't deter Sandie Millot, Pierre Vandewalle and Eric Parmentier from the University of Liège, Belgium. "You just have to pick them up and they make sounds," says Parmentier. However, it wasn't clear when and why piranhas produce sounds naturally. Intrigued by fish acoustic communication and the mechanisms that they use to generate sound, the team monitored the behaviour of small groups of captive red-bellied piranhas and publish their discovery that the fearsome fish have a repertoire of three combative sounds.

What I understand is that the piranha, Besides of bites, they make sounds to communicate with other animals. That made a great impact to science because the message of the world to us is that many secrets have in many animals and even humans that still humans doesn't know and by time the people is going to find out.

I am not really interested, I am shocked because with this article, the people can concluded that the many natural phenom exist and the science doesn't know. And also I conclued that the piranha has many things that we don't know and soon, we will find out.

I connection is that I want to be a marine biology and reading this article, I can think that working as a biologist means challenge, secrets and phenomenom. And this motivate me to improve and read more about fish not only to improve knowledge, but also as a real biologist who his purpose is to improove the world.

This is an article about:

Environment: Because it is talking about animal and everything that has relation with natural resources, it is called environment.

martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Black Death Bacterium Identified: Genetic Analysis of Medieval Plague Skeletons Shows Presence of Yersinia Pestis Bacteria

ScienceDaily (Aug. 29, 2011) — A team of German and Canadian scientists has shown that today's plague pathogen has been around at least 600 years.

The Black Death claimed the lives of one-third of Europeans in just five years from 1348 to 1353. Until recently, it was not certain whether the bacterium Yersinia pestis -- known to cause the plague today -- was responsible for that most deadly outbreak of disease ever. Now, the University of Tübingen's Institute of Scientific Archaeology and McMaster University in Canada have been able to confirm that Yersinia pestis

was behind the great plague.

The results of the research are published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Previous genetic tests indicating that the bacterium was present in medieval samples had previously been dismissed as contaminated by modern DNA or the DNA of bacteria in the soil. Above all, there was doubt because the modern plague pathogen spreads much more slowly and is less deadly than the medieval plague -- even allowing for modern medicine.

What I understood is that the black death bacteria has been in the earth about 600 years. The reason that why the black death exist is because for the plague that the human produced and by the years, the dark death had developed to became an mortal disease for the animal and the human. The massage that this article want to give is that we need to take care ourself and the natural resources as well, that we need to take the responsability that we increased the plague and we need to correct the mistake that the people made it in 600 years ago.

I interested because is something that I didn't know it. that the plague has a one bacteria called the black death and for this bacteria, it was killing people and animals in this world. And I thought that it will be a good topoic because actually. in biology, we are talking about cells and the last class, we talked about type of bacteria and how we could clasifield it.

my connection is that I learned something that it will be usefull for my college because I want to study ocean biology and always in science, it will have some kind of stuff that you learned in the school.

The topic of this article is about bacteria, bacteria that is in the plague and it could be mortal for living things.